#norse mythology gifs
missredherring · 2 days
An Escape Rope Tied Around My Neck
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Maxwell Lord/Odin ft. Max Phillips/Loki
Rating: PG
Word Count: 1.5k
Warnings: angst. Mentions of blood.
Summary: A wish… what is a wish if not a desperate plea for the unobtainable?
A/N: This is my offering for @perotovar's Frith Challenge! I have a lot of feelings about Norse Mythology and Maxwell Lord, so figuring out how to combine them was a lot of fun to noodle over.
It's a personal belief that the events of Norse Mythology aren't linear and are happening all at once and not at all. You know, in a timey-wimey way. (A little bit of UPG for you, lol.) I've written it as such in this piece, and those moments are italicized. I hope it's not too confusing.
Not beta read. All mistakes are my own.
“Are you sure you don’t need me for anything else tonight, Mr. Lord?” Raquel asks. Her tone is genuinely sincere and without any flirtatious undertones like his last two secretaries had when they’d asked him that same question. Raquel wants to do her job and do it well. He likes that about her. 
The room is crammed with every knick-knack and trinket that he’d seen splashed across the pages of the business magazines. The intention had been to spread them around the larger work spaces in the building, to decorate with the trappings of a successful business in hopes of luring in more clients to keep playing this little game he’s passing the time with, but then the search for the Dreamstone had ended much quicker than he’d anticipated. 
“Yes, thank you, Raquel. Don’t worry about me and go home; I’ve kept you late enough,” Maxwell says and shoos her out of the office.
He watches her, listening to how her heels echo in the empty workspace and then the hum of the elevator as it takes her away. A few minutes later there’s the sound of a car pulling away. Only then does Maxwell close his office door and take a seat behind his desk. 
The stone sits like the prized heart of a hunted down stag in the middle of his desk, resting on top of the scattered academic papers, journals, and notebooks that made up the research material he’d been using to find it. 
It’s almost disappointing.
A couple of lamps on the desk illuminate the room, casting warm light on the stone and turning its color a more dark amber than the fresh honey hue it’d had when he’d snuck a peak through the packaging in the daylight. 
The Dreamstone is different than all the shiny, pristine, and ultimately useless trinkets in the room. It has potential. It could be an escape rope. Or at least a way to smooth the path to Ragnarok.
Eye intent, Odin reaches for it but pauses just before touching the smooth facet of the largest crystal point. There’s a noise in the room, a weight shifting on the cushions of the nearby couch. Magic beckons just out of reach, making his fingertips buzz and tingle with the urge to touch, but he stills.
“Please tell me you’re doing something interesting,” Loki says as he rests his head on the back of the couch. 
There, cast in a perfect balance of light and shadows, sits Loki. Fiery hair in disarray around his shoulder and eyes glittering in the low lighting as he sprawls on the couch. The bond between them pulses: warm, strong, and intact.
His chest aches with the foreknowledge of how it will twist and knot in the future.  
Odin wants to bring Loki into his plans, as he has a sharp mind that loves to think outside of the realm of possibilities, but another part stops him. The part that grows louder by the day and warns of wolf teeth and serpent scales and living dead flesh. 
“Just a curiosity that caught my eye,” Odin replies, covering the desperate need that’s been gnawing at him with nonchalance. 
He picks up the stone and examines it, taking in the weight and texture of the crystal cluster. There’s magic at its core, he’d sensed it before, but now it rises to meet his own. Darker, bitter, and more acidic like bile: eating through whatever holds it for too long. Pulsing, it tastes him and he bites back, a reprimand and reminder to know it’s place. Around the base of the cluster is a metal ring, aged from time and rough handling, inscribed is an old language, but not as old as his, he notes. He traces a finger over the letters but catches on a singular word. 
“Place upon the object held but one great…”
Desire? Want? Hope? Dream? All options but none that feels right. 
He turns the stone this way and that, but even bringing a lamp closer sheds no light of understanding on it. Sighing, Odin looks to where Loki has started wandering around the room, touching everything. 
“Be useful and take a look at this.” 
Loki saunters over, curious, and takes the stone, tossing it from hand to hand before rolling it along his palm. He squints, bringing the stone closer to his face and then licks the last word, his tongue contracting into a point to dip into the grooves.
Odin grumbles and rolls his eyes, the action making the severed muscles in the empty socket ache as he doesn't want to close his eyes and miss a moment of the children playing in the field outside the hall. As the blood rushes to his head, pooling and throbbing there as he hangs from the tree. As he plucks out the eyeball, Mimir’s chosen currency. 
There is no hiding the truth from Loki's silver tongue. He rolls it around in his mouth, teasing it out, and then pronounces: “Wish.” He spits it out onto the carpet and sneers. “Looks like it’s the work of an Olympian’s clumsy hand.” 
Loki passes it back and dusts his hands off to dispel the sticky residue of the stone’s magic. Task finished, he returns to his circuit of the room.
Odin sets it on the desk and leans back to regard it.
“Place upon the object held but one great wish.”
A wish… what is a wish if not a desperate plea for the unobtainable? 
It is a fool’s wish that Ragnarok will stop it’s steady march onward. 
Deep in whatever approximates a god's soul he knows it's coming, it needs to happen, it will happen. 
A forest devoured by fire makes way for new, stronger growth in its place.
If a single wish could save them the fear and pain in favor of a kinder end? 
But when that forest is home to all he holds dear? His family. The people of his community. The mortals who still pray in his name and honor him in their actions.
All those who will look to him when the wolf finally catches its prey and plunges them into darkness. 
There is potential here and all he has to do is coax it to its greatest yield. 
A thrum of delight slides along the bond and Odin brings his focus back to the office to find Loki admiring a gaudy gold ring on his finger that had been on a display with that year’s latest watch model. 
He blinks again to clear his sight fully because Loki has changed. A broad frame dressed in a tailored suit, its design different from the one Odin is currently wearing. His jewel eyes have darkened to be almost black in the room’s shadows. His hair, now short and dark, is neatly combed and styled and yet still caught up in the chaos of his movement. 
They look like they’re brothers who once shared a womb instead of a chosen bond.
Odin’s lips twitch. “You could’ve picked something else,” he says and watches as Max gives him a toothy grin.
“Haven’t you heard that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery?” He lifts a shoulder. “Plus this’ll work better for my own plans.”
Odin opens his mouth to say he doesn’t want to know, but a shiver of premonition rolls through his body, raising the hair on his arms and the back of his neck.
He motions and Max kneels at his feet, curiosity burning in every line of his body. Odin cups Max’s jaw and squeezes gently, drawing it open to allow his thumb room to enter Max’s mouth. 
“Come,” he orders in the voice of a leader responsible for many and while Max’s eyebrows shoot into his hairline, he obeys without question.
How many people will obey him to their deaths? 
He presses down on a sharp, too sharp, canine until blood wells up and beads. Turning it, he presses the pad onto the hot, soft muscle of Max’s tongue, forming the runes as they offer themselves for use. 
Uruz, Ansuz, Isa, Algiz, Algiz, Algiz, Algiz.
The bindrune complete, Odin releases him and allows Max to sit back on his heels as he puzzles over the magic. Maybe the mystery will be enough to curb some of his mischief. Another fool’s wish. 
Rippling, Max fades and Loki watches him with a relaxed face, she’s glowing in the midst of her pregnancy. He’s sparkling with mischief and humor, scarred lips stretching wide. Their face is burned and marled and eyes unseeing in the hard light outside of the cave, left blank after finally being consumed by the spark of their nature. It is not in fire’s nature to be merciful. 
Max swallows and stands. “Interesting. I’ll leave you here,” he tugs his waistcoat into place and smooths the lines of his jacket. “Wish me luck.”
The Dreamstone pulses on the desk in front of them. 
Max is gone and Odin is alone with the stone again, it’s cloying influence reaching and coaxing.
Wish, wish, wish.
URUZ symbolizes Strength, Tenacity, Courage, Untamed Potential, Freedom.  ANSUZ symbolizes the Mouth, Communication, Understanding, Inspiration. ISA Clarity, Stasis, Challenges, Introspection, Watching & Waiting.  ALGIZ symbolizes Protection, Defense, Instinct, Group Effort, Guardianship.
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silvergifs · 11 months
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Yggdrasil, the tree of life that sprang forth in the primordial void of Ginnungagap, and connects the Nine Realms of existence
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tears-of-amber · 26 days
🍂Autumnal Acts Of Devotion To Freyja🍂
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The season of Autumn is coming closer. I can feel the changes slowly but surely in the air. Maybe not the temperature where I live, but DEFINITELY the vibes. Some of this post is based on UPG in regards to Freyja. So don’t come at me if you can’t find historical evidence of some of these MODERN acts being associated with the goddess Freyja.
🍄Pick or purchase a pumpkin and carve the rune Fehu into it in honor of Freyja (you can carve a different sigil or symbol you associate with her instead if that resonates more).
🍄When you go shopping for back to school clothes or just clothes shopping for Autumn weather, consciously include her on your little outing by calling upon her in silent prayer to help you find empowering and pleasing clothes.
🍄Paint your finger nails gold or amber orange, and if you have the skill, you can also add symbols of her painted on your fingernails. The gold on its own is sufficient, though. And it looks just generically autumnal if your worship has to stay discreet!
🍄Enjoy a cup of cinnamon chai with honey or hot chocolate with cream in honor of Freyja.
🍄Wear amber jewelry or craft a necklace (or braclet) out of amber colored beads, then hold it to the west (the traditional direction that Autumn corresponds with), and let the west winds blow through it to bless it with Autumnal energy. Call upon Freyja for her blessing this season, and thank her for her blessings in seasons past.
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sparrowmp4 · 3 months
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Hey there! This is my first proper art post, dedicated to our favorite little trickster for fellow Lokeans and Loki fans to enjoy! :3
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[please do not repost without credit! Thanks <3]
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lovescaryhorror · 5 months
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"The Ritual" (2017).
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fantasydreamland · 4 months
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Ivar the Boneless
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I know much wisdom, I see deep in the future, all the way to Ragnarök, a dark day for the gods…
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lucianalight · 3 months
Probably everyone noticed this but I still want to talk about it. I really liked the loom and thread symbolism for managing time and timelines in the Loki series. It's a nod to Norse mythology and the three Norns who weave the fate and destinies of everyone at the foot of Yggdrasil, the tree of the world.
The spaghettification, inaccurate as it was shown, adds to this symbolism. The threads that hold the universe come apart as it gets destroyed. And that scene of Loki trying to grab them and hold them and not being able to vs the end when he is carrying all the threads and nourish them with his magic as they come alive and make the world tree. Just like how Norns use a well to nourish Yggdrasil.
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Some threads are even made of the fabric of his cape and unweaving it.
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Which is also a nice contradiction between weaving stories, unchangeable and fixed as they were with loom in place, and letting the stories unravel and develop as changeable and ever growing as branches of a tree.
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atheostic · 2 months
Oh to have the confidence of a Christian saying the wildest (and very very inaccurate) shit about other religions
I once had a Christian tell me that Odin is famous for being greedy and a hoarder of knowledge.
And as someone who took a Norse mythology course in uni I was like
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My dude. My buddy. My pal. My sibling in Christ, even.
That's literally the exact opposite of what he's famous for????
After he is granted knowledge of the Runes in Rúnatal he goes around the world teaching anyone who wants to learn how to write, no strings attached.
In Skáldskaparmál he steals the Mead of Poetry specifically to SHARE it with the other gods.
He's so famous for going around giving people advice and dropping knowledge that his kennings include Allfather, Journey Empowerer, Journey Advisor, Teacher of Gods, and Nourisher.
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kidcataldo · 2 months
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Headcanon that Kratos and Freya eventually become a couple years after the events of Ragnarok. And while they do not have any biological children together, they find themselves being parental figures to a few orphans:
Twins, Hnoss and Gersemi
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identical but complete opposites.
Hnoss represents healing whereas Gersemi is destruction; they are, in every way, fire and ice.
Biologically (in my headcanon/fanfic, at least) they are the daughters of the God Váli, and a young Midgardian woman, Gersemi, who Kratos knew and was fond of. See unfinished wip.
Gersemi’s destructive behavior reminds Kratos of his younger self and he wants only to guide her on a better path. This obviously creates tension, but eventually she learns how to control her power and (you guessed it) becomes less destructive.
(note the picture below depicts loki, not býleistr; I just needed a visual)
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the youngest and sort of black sheep of the family (due to not being a God).
Loki (Atreus) finds him in an abandoned village that once occupied other giants who were hiding from Odin.
For whatever reason, he’s the only survivor and, after bonding with the kid, Loki brings him to his father and Freya in the hopes they would care for him and protect him while he’s off finding the other giants.
Though not a god, Kratos trains him as if he were. He’s an excellent hunter and an even better swordsman, but he chooses to spend most of his time being a terrible flirt much to Kratos’ dismay.
Freya doesn’t want to repeat past mistakes and sometimes has a Laissez-Faire attitude when raising him (and only him), which causes tension between her and the girls, and also Kratos.
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wildhymnings · 2 years
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Thought and Memory... 
🍂🍁Fall vibes🍁🍂
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moonlight1237 · 5 months
Hel Norse Divine
@ghosting-medium helped write and edit this!
ᚺᛖᛚ (elder futhark)
Hel (old norse) Hell(e) (old english)
Her name comes from a root meaning, covered or hidden kinda like Hades and Frau Holle, and like a helmet or a helm, which is also the name of the realm which she resides in Helheim (old norse=Hel) also meaning “the grave” or to be put in your grave this land is not a place of punishment like the Christian Hell, it was more of a waiting place where Lady Hel takes in the “unchosen souls of the dead”. Helhiem was believed to be guarded by a giant wolf it’s disputed whether it’s her brother Fenrir or another wolf named Garm, Helheim is in one of the nine realms which is Niflheim, her plate and knife are named “hunger” and “famine”
She is the daughter of Loki and the giantess (or a jötunn) Angrboða; her brothers are Fenrir (Vánagandr or Fenris) and Jörmungandr (Midgard serpent). Some don’t realize the gods and giants aren’t different races but different families and titles as Hel was born of a god/goddess parent she has the title of goddess but she can also be referred to as a giantess.
She appears as half-blue or sometimes some say it translate to black both mean she’s half corpse/rotting and the other half is a flesh colored beautiful woman, she’s known to appear to her followers as either or both if she feels the need to scare you or shock you she may come as her rotting side or if she wants to come off more motherly she may show up as her flesh side, some say she has white or black hair it varies to person.
She also had a 3 legged horse also known as “Hel-horse” a scrawny boney white/yellow horse which in the “prose edda” she brought plague and death
She’s said to lead an army of undead souls into battle during Ragnarok to fight in a valley against the undead warriors of valhalla (Old Norse: Valhǫll) aka the hall of the slain or hall of the corpse.
She appears in Baldrs draumar and the Voluspa in the poetic edda also known as the “Elder edda”.
In Baldrs draumar you see her when she refuses to give Baldrs soul back to the other gods and keeps him in Helheim unless everything in the universe weeps for his “death” (gods in norse mythology don’t “die” they’re reborn in a way) when one giantess refuses to weep Hel keeps Baldr in Helheim till Ragnarok. It was known she treated him fairly and even gave him a seat beside her as a guest of honor in her hall.
Ullr was another god who visited Niflheim often so he often visited Hel in Helheim.
Why she was thrown from Asgard is disputed; some believe it was due to her looks that she made the other gods uncomfy, or that like her brothers the Æsir gods condemned her before she really did wrong leading to a self fulfilling prophecy, or that Odin gifted the hall to her.
Hel is the queen of afterlife and the caretaker of the dead in some sources she was also the main god who made decisions on judgements for who received punishments in Helheim as not all who went to Helheim go as punishment and it was said that Helheim had 2 sides.
General association
The afterlife
Ancestor work
Shadow work
Hidden places
Gold / Sliver
Spirits and death work
Animals associated
Horses (black or white sometimes bay)
Wolves (due to her brother and the guardian of her hall)
Any black animals
Elderly animals
Earthy scents
Homey scents
Spice scents
Musky strong scents
Hagalaz (hail)
Eihwaz (yew)
Queen of wands
Queen of swords
9-Upg this number comes up with her a lot due to her being a ruler of one of the nine realms
Earth - because of her ruling of the underworld, and being under the earth
Zodiac Sign
Scorpio - upg, but Scorpio deals with a lot of secrecy, privacy, shadows, and death
Cancer - upg, she’s “the one who hides or is covered”, since Cancer’s animal is the crab, and that is an animal that is covered by its hard shell. Many individuals that work with Lady Hel associate her with being motherly, but also strict. Cancer is the sign of nurturing, and emotions so it makes sense.
As for other zodiac signs, I would consider any zodiac signs near the end of the cycle. The zodiac cycle is associated with the cycle of life and death; so near the end of the cycle is going to be death. This could be signs like Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces. There is no historical basis for this, as Norse Paganism didn’t really document or use zodiac signs.
Day of the Week
Any type of obsidian
Black onyx
Smokey quartz
Black tourmaline
Yew (do not consume yourself EVER)
Any poisonous plant really (deadly nightshade, foxglove, etc) (do not handle unless you are a pro and know how to handle poisonous plants)
roses/dried roses
fungi/mushrooms and other decomposers
Juniper berries/bush (do not consume yourself EVER)
apples/apple trees/apple blossoms
Black roses
Drinks and food
Mead/alcohol (especially spiced flavors) - classic Norse offerings that are appreciated by all Norse deities
Tea - Black tea is a type of tea that might be best for Lady Hel due to her strong association to the color Black. If you don’t have this tea don’t worry, I bet she’ll be grateful for any tea you have.
Dark chocolate
Yew/Juniper berries (do not handle unless you are a pro and know how to handle poisonous plants)
Marshmallows/or marshmallow fluff
Molten/lava cakes
Anything bittersweet or spiced
Things to offer/do in devotion to her
Learn runes, and casting runes
Learn bone throwing/casting
Raven bones/skulls
Mirrors (especially black or silver mirrors)
Any art you make for her
Black or white cloth
Black/white/silver candles
Food/drink, Raw meat
Learning your shadow self
Learning your family history or connecting to your an ancestors
Visiting a cemetery or graveyard and pay your respects to the dead
Cleaning up cemeteries or volunteering at one - make sure you know how to properly clean graves and have the spirits permission before cleaning the grave
Respecting the dead and spirits wherever you are
Saying a prayer to her when you see or find dead animals
Skeleton imagery
Wolf imagery or wolf teeth
Learning a scandinavian language (old norse, dansk, norwegian, icelandic, swedish)
Learn runic writing
Flowers/dried flowers/flowers that are near dead if not already dead
Fur/animal hides - make sure you get these ethically, do not just injure an animal for its hide, and not pay respect to the animal or Lady Hel during it.
Things that respect that dead like something from your ancestors
Any kind of animal imagery related to her
Signs she could be reaching out
Sudden interest in her
Hearing her name brought up a lot, either in conversation or subconsciously
Sudden interest in death work or spirit work
Seeing black animals
Seeing animal death and bones
Her being in your dreams a lot or her name mentioned a lot
Suddenly wanting to learn to scry or do runes
Drawn towards obsidian, or smokey quartz suddenly
Getting her rune or tarot card a lot
Being drawn towards norse mythology or her myths
seeing dead bugs in unusual places
Hel music/meditation
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https://www.angelfire.com/journal/ofapoet/hel.html-A really good article of info on Lady Hel but of course take everything with a grain of salt
http://ydalir.ca/norsegods/hel/- A decent run down on Lady Hel with some good info
The “Prose Edda” also known as the “younger edda”
The “Poetic Edda”-translation by Jackson Crawford also known as the “elder edda”
“The Viking Spirit”-Daniel McCoy
“Tales Of Norse Mythology”-Helen A. Guerber
https://angelorum.co/heathenry/connecting-with-the-goddess-hel/ - A decent article with some UPG and well known facts
https://youtu.be/yg5QyIPXdAI- Info on Lady Hel from a witches view with some UPG.
https://youtu.be/6r_iPQA2vZw- The historical research on Hel including her names roots, what she does, and her realm
https://youtu.be/Ac2veVpMPWA- A complete basic intro to Norse mythology from a historical view
https://www.ancient-origins.net/myths-legends-europe/going-hel-and-back-travel-helheim-where-goddess-darkness-reigned-006174- A little bit of info on Lady Hel
https://www.worldhistory.org/Hel/ - quick blurb on Lady Hel’s history
https://youtu.be/WeW1-oXEubk-Jackson Crawfords run through on the main norse gods and goddesses
https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLATNGYBQ-TjqOIFzdVApjXXpWXOzZHKFp- Jackson Crawford norse mythology playlist and run through from a professor and historical standpoint
https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLATNGYBQ-TjrPCf9YGy0qzqca1ypcGs50- Jackson Crawfords run through of all the Nordic runes and how they work from a historical standing
https://youtu.be/mhMHTZ2jfXM- Grimfrost academies documentary on Viking age culture and how the norse people lived and used things
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allmythologies · 1 year
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norse mythology: nott
nott is, a giantess, and the personification of night, and the mother of dag and jord.
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fantasydreamland · 5 months
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Lagertha & Astrid
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sigyn-foxyposts · 2 months
(Personal) Ivaldi headcannons:
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Ivaldi is like you would expect quite the handyman, who truly has a skill when it comes to being crafty with your hands.
He is a very well known smith in Svartalfheim and gained a lots of riches from his excellent and honest work.
He started off doing flavours for others and repairing things in his early days!
Because unlike most dwarfs, Ivaldi isn't greedy, he was genuinely friendly and even helpful.
Though he does have that infamous temper if something were to go wrong in his workshop!
Most dwarfs repreduce naturally, asexually or through magical means and while Ivaldi has done all of these, he had always wished for a permanent partner to stay by his side.
He would have his two sons through asexual reproduction! Later carrying on their fathers legacy by becoming just as skilled as him in smithing.
Then he'd create Idunn using these magical items: Elven blood, Ashwood and gold. He really wanted a daughter!
You could almost call him a hopeless romantic at times because he has found himself falling for both men and women.
But dating other dwarfs was never easy for him because he'd often get used for his kindness and or wealth.
When he met Freyja though, wandering through his realm one day things finally started looking brighter for him!
They had a shared love for pretty things, taking pride in their magical skills and feeling like they were serving a purpose and it formed into a genuine connection.
Eventually leading to them having three daughters named Sigyn, Sjofn and Lofn.
Ivaldi always admired Freyja for her abilities in caring for their daughters, even Idunn who she had taken under her wing while she stayed underground.
But things took a sudden downfall when Freyja left without a trace, leaving Ivaldi heart broken and a struggling father.
He understood that maybe their love wasn't meant to last, he is respectful for that! But wishes she would have at least said something before she disappeared.
Ever since Ivaldi struggled sleeping peacefully and developed Insomnia.
Ivaldi often found himself asking Idunn to aid him in his fatherly duties.
Which he felt guilty about, knowing Idunn deserved better than to be some caretaker for their family!
A family he was obligated to take care of in the first place.
To him his daughters were just as valuable as the shimmering gold.
Which is why he spent his remaining free time as his daughters grew, sending out messangers who were willing to get back in contact with Freyja.
In every letter he begged her endlessly for her to take Idunn and their daughters into Asgard and give them a better life.
Something he knew he wasn't able to fully provide for them.
Once Freyja actually took action and collected Ivaldi's daughters, he decided to focus his attention on his sons.
Teaching them everything he knew, so they could make a living and possibly continue his legacy through their work.
Which is why his sons took over for him, making him somewhat retired today!
He still keeps in contact with his daughters and will provide anything they need if they so ask!
He is also updated frequently about their lives and every letter he gets from them, he keeps somewhere safe!
Ivaldi unlike Freyja isn't too picky or pushy about who their daughters will marry either.
He is very laid back In that department and only wants them to be happy.
He has often made Freyja change her mind multiple times too, putting their daughters feelings first!
He also really likes his sons in law: Loki and Bragi. Because personally to him they're the most entertaining gods.
Ivaldi also loves to brag about all of his children and their achievements to the other dwarfs in Svartalfheim.
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lucianalight · 10 months
A Glorious Culmination
Let's talk about that perfect ending with its beautiful scenes and epic soundtrack, shall we? Here's all the reasons why I loved it:
The ending answered the question "what makes a Loki, Loki?"
"Authority, independence, style". Sure, but that's not all of it. And it's not the real answer.
So who is Loki? A villain? A loser? What defines Loki?
There are many characteristics that define Loki but one of the main ones that truly sets him apart imo is that he is a catalyst for change. Loki when faced with options he doesn't like, or a problem that looks like doesn't have a solution, makes a new way, creates a new solution, chooses an option that didn't exist before.
He has the power to destroy, like the mythological tale of Ragnarok.
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And to give life. Like how the Ragnarok he brings, means the beginning of a new cycle in Norse mythology.
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-"Yeah it was the best character development. Loki went from wanting a throne to..."
Let me stop you there.
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Loki went from not wanting a throne but thinking he must have it to be considered worthy and an equal to Thor, to taking a throne despite not wanting it, because it was the right thing to do.
The fact that Loki sacrificed himself once again for the people he loved and cared about, wasn't a new character development. In the movies Loki risks and sacrifices himself every time when it matters. For Thor, for Asgard, for the world. The only development here was that this time he sacrificed himself for every universe there is.
And his sacrifice wasn't treated as sth he deserved by the narrative because of every terrible things he'd done. On the contrary the narrative acknowledges that this is the last thing Loki deserves. That he is paying for others' mistakes and wrongs. He spends centuries to save the timelines. He spends a long time trying to stop Sylvie without harming her. And when everything seems lost, he makes a decision to save everyone but himself, he creates a different path. He faces his deepest fear, to not hurt the people he loves.
If there is any character development, it's for the narrative and the audience that finally recognized who Loki actually is.
The Symbolism
I have to say my first reaction to the new Loki costume was:" This is the worst Loki costume ever :))))" also me two days later: "I'm gonna set it as my wallpaper." But I loved the symbolism. The biggest horns Loki's ever worn to show the weight of the crown. His cape that was connected to timelines, to show the burden of a throne. The simplicity in his clothes in contrast with his other outfits. Because this wasn't about the recognition Loki always wanted and deserved. This was about the responsibility Loki decided to literally put on his shoulders and feeling the gravity of it.
His shoes though :)))) I mean
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Either let him be bare footed or give him boots you cowards :D
The Parallels
The fact that how the ending parallels the first Thor movie and everything came back full circle.
How Thor and Loki destroyed sth at the cost of themselves losing the people they cared about.
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Loki doing sth not because of a desperation for acceptance, not because he thought it was sth someone else wanted.
Knowing if he chose the easier way, no one could have fault him for it because it seemed there was no other way.
He did it because he knew it was the right thing to do, because he knew who he wanted to be.
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Loki not giving up, not letting go, not falling down from a broken bridge, but ascending, holding on as he fixes what's broken.
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He holds and carries the whole universe on his back. It's not only a beautiful Atlassian tragedy, but also parallels Norse mythology in more than one way. Yggdrasil, the tree of life in Norse mythology, the one that Loki holds in his hands in the finale, wasn't the only parallel in the ending.
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There's a subtle and beautiful nod to Norse mythology. The tale of Loki being bound till Ragnarok. The myth that says when Loki gets freed, the end of the world begins.
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What a marvelous tragedy. And what a glorious culmination.
It's not all tragic though
Loki now is literally the most powerful and heroic character in MCU. He's holding the universe in his hands and keeping it alive. You can't top that.
And it makes his portrayal in the recent movies in which he was unfairly underpowered, even more ridiculous than before and that makes me happy :D
There is also a possibility to see Loki again and I'm not talking about the other variants. Marvel now has the best dues ex machina through Loki. He might be able to appear in any universe as an illusion to warn about dangers or help the characters. He might figure out a way to keep the tree alive without being there himself. That way he can find Thor in the sacred timeline. Or maybe the Loki who survived Thanos and is still in the sacred timeline finds Thor. Maybe there's still hope for a good reconciliation and a good story for Asgardian siblings.
So to sump up this was an epic, symbolic, beautiful and tragic ending. And yet hopeful. I loved it💚
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